About Me


I was born in Coventry, and had a normal childhood.  I often had imaginary friends but for me that was usual.  As a child never thought anything about it, as I was one of the youngest children in the area, I was content playing on my “own”.  This all changed when I was about 10 when I had a near death experience while in hospital where I was taken out of my body into a tube of light and love.  It was amazing, but was met by an Angel and my grandmother to be told that it was not my time and that I had to come back.  As quickly as I was out of my body, I was back on Earth again in the hospital bed.  This did lead to a time, where I blocked my spiritual gifts until 2007 where the Angels came into my life again, during a period of intense hardship.  I had broken up with a partner and I was heartbroken, but felt Angel wings around me and this sense that everything would be alright, which of course it was.

From that time in 2007, I then was due to start in a Spiritual Circle to help develop my Mediumship skills.  My mum had died unexpected the day before I was due to start at the Circle, but I carried on and as they say it is history.  Some said that I should have waited but it felt right, and the first message I got was from my mum telling me she was alright and for thanking me.  From that time I looked at developing my skills in Mediumship, Trance and as a Healer. I decided to become a Healer, as I had been told that I had helped my mother and others with the Reiki I had been receiving.  So it was then my mission to learn as much about healing, my thought was if I could help another person waiting to pass or dealing with grief then what I had learnt was not in vane. I then proceeded to become a certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher, which took over 12 months to achieve, as well as an Angel Reiki Master Teacher.  But I also have a great background in teaching many different subjects for over 17 years. I have the  Certificate of Education Level 4 (Warwick University), Information Advice & Guidance Level 4 (Nuneaton Training 2011) and 730 C&G Teacher Training Stage I and 2, current First Aid Certificate.

After the completion of the Angelic Reiki Masters Level 3 and 4 in 2012, I then went on to teach this wonderful journey to the Angelic Realms.  Although I had always had a connection with the Angels in my healing whilst doing Usui, it was not the same connection as when I completed my Angel Reiki training.  To become one with an angel is still a gift I will never get used to. It is special each time we work hand in hand. Since 2012 I have been on a most beautiful journey working hand and hand with the Angelic Realm with Soul Catching, Healing and Teaching.

During 2014 I extended my knowledge by completing the Golden Markkaa of Creation and New Shamballa with Christine Core (Wife of co-creator of Angelic Reiki Kevin Core) I now teach a whole range of courses including New Shamballa which is a Multidimentional Journey into learning who you are and working with the Zen Masters to become the Lightwarrior of the 13 Dimensions (More information under courses)

A journey of total discovery. I have also done a great deal of training with Edwin Courteney International Channel expanding my knowledge with courses and now teach:

• Awakening the Violet Flame How to work with the Tree of Life • Angelic Hierarchy • Angels of Sirius • Metatron and his Sacred Geometry • White Wings • Lady Portia the Lady of Silver

I also work with many Galactic Healers and Teachers from Sirius and other galactic beings from all over the Universe including the Plaids other areas of the Universe including Andromeda/Pladies.

Since 2012 I have also been working with the Angels of Atlantis which has led me to become attuned with The Reiki of Atlantis and Atlantean Healing which can help with people who feel they have past life issues or blockages within their lives.  This is becoming with more people that are being Awoken, and they have to deal with physical,psychological issues or blockages.  Have a one to one consultation to see how it can help you.
