Angelic Ascension Groups and Dates


Are you interested in learning more about linking in with the Angelic Realm?

Spotlights every month of meeting a new Angel that can help you on your path Angelic Healing

  • Protection and Grounding
  • Working with the Earth Chakras
  • Cleansing our Auras
  • Working with the Angelic Realms
  • Past Life Regression
  • Soul work/healing
  • What is your soul contract?
  • Learning about Ascended Masters
  • Working with Dragon and Unicorn Energy
  • Working with Crystals

Its a combination of Ascension, Mediumistic and Healing for you, your patients and the World.

Does that sound interesting to you?
from 7 to 9 at a cost of £10.00.

29 January 2018

For further details on venues contact me on 07717838399