Atlantean Healing


Since 2012 I have also been working with the Angels of Atlantis which has led me to become attuned with The Reiki of Atlantis and Atlantean Healing which can help with people who feel they have past life issues or blockages within their lives.  This is becoming with more people that are being Awoken, and they have to deal with physical, psychological issues or blockages.  Have a one to one consultation to see how it can help you.

The system was channelled by Birkan Tore Atlantean Healing™ sessions are designed to balance the energy field as Atlanteans believed dis-ease was a manifestation of the imbalance in the energy field. As a channel the healer will  ”listen” to these physical conditions to find out their messages and discover their root causes when it’s possible. The energy is very powerful, yet it feels gentle when receiving it. Each session is conducted by an Atlantean Healing Practitioner™ and Atlantean Angels, who will be assisting with the application of the energy and healing process.

As an Atlanta Healing Practitioner™ I am privileged to help be a bridge for this beautiful energy which can help you to  discover your past lives in Atlantis through past life healing , and heal any traumas that keep you from fully experiencing your spiritual and intuitive gifts. Feel the power of the Violet Flame, Angels of Atlantis and High Priests.

  • Advantages to using this therapy:
  • Allows you to link into the energy of Atlantis
  • Can look at dis-ease with the body before it becomes a health issue
  • Feel the healing Energy of the Violet Flame, Angels of Atlantis and Atlantis High Priests
  • Let the healing work on your Mind, Body, Soul and Etheric Body

Book a healing session NOW to remember the beautiful energy of Atlantis.