Life Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapy


Life Coaching and Clinical Hypnotherapy – What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis   is   an   altered   state  of   awareness,   which   you   experience   naturally   every  day.   It   happens   automatically   anytime   you   become   deeply   relaxed   or highly   focussed,   such   as   when   you   are   reading   a   good   book   or   watching   a   great   film.   The   active   mind   becomes   quiet   and   there   is   a   slight   shift   in consciousness.   Hypnosis   simply   takes   you   deeper   into   that   shift   in   awareness,   through   techniques   which   focus   the   conscious   mind,   such   as   a   guided visualisation   or   relaxation.   In   this   altered  state,   the   subconscious   mind   can   be   taken   back   to   a   particular   point   as  hypnosis   can   make   memories   more real   and   ideas   much   clearer.   It   will   also   be   more   open   to   accepting   any   positive   suggestions   which   can   help   to   create   the   beneficial   changes   in   your attitudes and behaviour that you desire.

Hypnotherapy   puts   the   state   of   hypnosis   to   therapeutic   use,   combining   specialised   techniques   such   as   regression,   positive   suggestions, NLP   (Neurolinguistic Programming)   and   visualisations   to   help   you   with   your   issue.   Hypnotherapy   can   help   you   address   your   problem   and find   new   ways   forward,   transforming   old   habits   and   unhelpful  behaviours   into   healthy   new   ones   which   not   only   benefit   your   health,  but   can help you change your life for the better in other ways too.  

What can Hypnotherapy help?

  • Hypnotic Gastric Band
  • Anxiety Stress
  • Stopping smoking
  • Confidence issues
  • Unwanted habits
  • Relationship issues
  • Weight loss
  • Sleeping problems
  • Nail biting
  • Self-healing
  • Relaxed pregnancy and birth And much more…

Hypnotherapy is one of the most pleasant and natural therapies available. It puts YOU in charge of your own mind and your outcomes. You can seek your inner knowledge and guidance to find your way in your life with our Life Coaching too.  I also do Spiritual Life Coaching too. If you would like to discuss any issues with me on 07717838399 or email

Just contact me for further information.

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*Please note that as this is a form of therapy we are unable to guarantee results which may vary from person to person