Courses for 2018


New Dates coming soon please look on

Angelic Reiki Level 1 and 2      £240                

  • 8910 June 2018
  • 6 7 8 July 2018
  • 7 8 9 September 2018
  • 30 Nov 1 and 2 December

Friday        6 – 9.00 pm, Saturday   10 – 5pm and Sunday      10.00 – 5 pm

  • Are you interested in learning more about communicating with the Angelic Realm and helping to raise your Consciousness?
  • Do you want to experience being at one with the Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Atlantean/Lemurian Angels and Cosmic Healers?
  • Then you may be interested in Angelic Reiki which will take to the next level on your path.


Knights of the Round Table      3 March 2018        £50  10.30 to 4.30 pm

Part of the ancient legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table states that when England is in need. Arthur and his Knights will wake from their mystical sleep and emerging from the burrow in which they have rested, rise and save us.

If ever there was a time when England might need such mystical intervention – some might argue – it is now and so, hearing the call, mighty Spirit of the Merlin speaks the enchantment and opens the door.

This workshop explores the mystical power of the Knights and how we might call upon them as “new age saints” to help us with every aspect of our spiritual work and journey.

Learn how to link to both the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 Castes of Atlantis, as well as our 12 strands of DNA.

Angelic MOT (Working with the Higher Realms) 24 February 2018 £50.00

This is an opportunity for you to work with the Angelic Realm, Ascended Masters, Atlantean and Lemurian Angels, New Shamballa and Galactic Healers. Healing is brought forward to help you cut ties and cords which may be holding you back, as well as learning more about these guides and how they can help your live move forward on your path. Live channelling throughout the day.


NEW  Mage Light Level 1- Awakening the Magic of Atlantis and Lemuria
17 and 18 March 2018  £161
This is a brand new Healing Modality, channelled from an Aspect of St Germain, Merlin who has brought through this beautiful healing energy to enable people to remember their power. Awaken your power with by
linking into the power of manifestation, blessing, the clearing of objects, people/space and the creation of sacred space, cacoon healing, protection. Also Earth healing and releasing the earthbound and trapped spirits
This is your opportunity to be attuned to the Magic of Atlantis and Lemuria.
Connecting with your Crystal Skull    14 April 2018         £50.00

This is an opportunity to work with the Collective Consciousness of the Skulls and link in with either your own skull or with our many different skulls who work with me and are always looking to connect with new people.  Learn about the 12 Tribes of the Galactic energies and see what information is brought forward for your Soul journey. Live channelling throughout the day from Sirius Consciousness and other Galactic Guides.


New Shamballa A Journey through the 13 Dimensions of Earth Channelled by Christine Core and Kevin Core (Channel of Angelic Reiki)

10 May to 14 May 2018           £540   10 till 5 pm

 Become that Lightwarrior you know you are meant to be!

  • This will truly be a journey into the unknown as you will see life in a totally different way. You will be taken on a journey which will attune you to the 13 dimensions of the Earth.
  • You will be connected with the Earth and raise your Vibration so you will be able to work with the Angelic Realm, Ascended Masters and Galactic Teachers.
  • Work with the Crystal Skulls and Channel from the 8th Dimensional attunement as well as working with Copper Pyramid Energies.
  • Be attuned to the Violet Flame Chakra
  • Work with the Teachers of Sirius Collective who wish to work with the participants as well as other Galactic Teachers.
  • If you feel the pull, the call then this is the time to book your place.


Angelic Reiki Master Teacher Level 3 and 4 £425   8 9 10 June 2018

Friday      6 – 9.30 pm, Saturday   Sunday      9.00 till 6.30 pm

  • Become an Earth Angel taking your Angelic Reiki to another level and becoming a Lightworker to help the planet with the Ascension process.  You will be raise your vibration and allow yourself to move forward in your path, as well as learn more about the Angelic Realms.


Pendragon Reiki Level 1 – £100 with Kieron Morgan 23 June 2018

Introduction to Crystal Healing     £145.00   30 June and 1 July 2018  10 to 4 pm

Ever wanted to learn more about working with crystals and in particular how you can learn to work with crystal healing for yourself? What are crystal Grids?

Awaiting Dates.  Can be done as 1-1s

Awakening and Evolution of the Violet Flame  £50 10.30 to 4.00 pm

This is the opportunity to Awaken Your Violet Flame Chakra, and work with the presences of the Violet Flame. You learn how to use physical, mental and spiritual rescue flames.

Since 2013 Saint Germain has brought forward a the Violet Flame used in Atlantis. It has been given to Earth at this time to help with the healing and transmutation of the planet. Experience the energy of this multi-dimensional Chakra and explore the gifts it offers you with:

  • St Germaine
  • The Violet Flame
  • The Order of the Violet Robe
  • Archangel TZaphkiel
  • Lady Portia
  • Archangel Zadkiel

Live channellings throughout the day from Saint Germaine and Lady Portia.


This will allow you to Learn how to waken your Violet Flame Chakra, work with the Rescue Flames and work with Lady Portia to see with the Eyes of the Soul. This can help if you are already a healer, or just wanting to link into this beautiful energy.

The Angelic Hierarchy  10.30 to 4.30 pm  £50.00

  • Who are the Princes, The Choirs and the Sarim
  • Though familiar with the Angelic and Archangelic beings lightworkers are in general less familiar with the mighty and powerful Angelic Collectives and Choirs. These mighty beings – created by the Divine to watch over loftier more cosmic energies – have had little to do with mankind since the fall of Atlantis, however now that we have entered the New Galactic Age they – recognising our need and readiness – have returned to us, bending their head and hands to lift us higher into the realms Divine. This workshop explores these collectives and their powers, opening doors between mankind and them that their power might be safely channelled for the betterment and ascension of the self and the world. Come and explore the mysteries of the Web of Life, Light and Love seeing its connection to the Trees of the Quaballah and the Garden of Edengels who are ready to help you and the planet in the raising of the vibration of the planet and universe.


Who are the The Angels of Sirius 10.30 to 4.30 pm £50.00

  • Learn about the Angels of Sirius and how you can link in with them.
  • Find out about working with the Teachers of the Light and the Brotherhood of the Light, so much information about this part of the Universe and how they interact with our everyday lives.
  • For many people who walk the spiritual path the enigmatic star Sirius has a strange and inexplicable pull, its mysteries and legends evoking distant past life memories, unformed and blurred in the unconscious mind. Now the star is rising, returning to its full power and significance as humanity enters fully into the New Galactic Age.
  • Workshop you will learn about the ancient Gods of Sirius and their connection to Atlantis and Egypt, the Sirius Angel Sothis and the Magic of Sirius. Packed full with live trance channellings, initiatory meditations as well as potent and yet simple instruction on how to engage with the power of Sirius in order to perform Sirius Magic



Working with the Angels of the Sarim   10.30 to 4.30 pm £50.00

  • The Sarim are those Angelic Princes created by the Divine to patronize the countries of the world and steer their people through their collective Karma, guiding them away from war and towards peace and enlightenment. The Sarim are those Angelic Princes created by the Divine to patronize the countries of the world and steer their people through their collective Karma, guiding them away from war and towards peace and enlightenment.
  •  Now as 12 wars rage across the planet, our need to work with the Sarim and their need to work with us is greater than it has ever been before.
  • In this workshop as well as exploring the Sarim and learning how to align with them for world healing we will discover their unique powers and how these can be called upon to help us in our life and spiritual works.


Dive Into Dragons Advanced with Kieron Morgan from Psychic College in London

26 November from 10.00 to 5 pm for an exchange of £55

  • Ever wanted to learn more about working with Dragons?
  • Learn how the Dragon Energies that are awakening at this time to help Earth and ourselves with the Ascension Processes.
  • How can they help us with our everyday lives?

 Small groups and you must pay a deposit of £25.00 for a 1 day course or £50 for Angelic Reiki.  You can make payments straight into my bank account or through Paypal by adding additional fee of £3.00.  Please note that deposits are non refundable, but can be transferred towards the payment of another course.

Book via 07717838399 or