New – Mage Light

Awakening the Energies of Atlantis and Lemuria



The Mage Light – Awakening the Power of Soul from Atlantis and Lemuria
This is a journey to find the power all the residents of Atlantis and Lemuria knew how to work with their Own Magick. The Mage Light is the ancient power of magick used by the Mages within the Temples at the time of Atlantis and Lemuria. It is internal magik, not reliant upon the planets or the stars, herbs, crystals or ritual and ceremony. Not dependant upon the successful invocation of angels, masters or Gods, it requires no understanding of magical law or application of magical rule but rather it is a power that flows simply from within, directed by the will and the imagination of the user. This is totally about stepping into your Divine Energies, and understand the power that we all have within us. All the answers we are seeking, are there for us when we search within.

It exists as a dormant seed within all people – a seed which needs to be activated, stimulated into life, a flower which once in bloom and aligned to the power of the ‘Soul of magick’ grants its possessor access to potentially limitless force which can be used in a variety of different ways!

The Mage Light is now being returned to the people of the Earth, returned at a time when they need it the most, a time when simple and yet effective magical practice is required for the world and it’s people to help usher them into a new age and help restore unity, hope, wellbeing and peace.

Revealed to Edwin Courtenay by his spiritual teacher – the Spirit of the Merlin – as a system of learning and application it is offered here enabling those who attend to learn how to apply the magick to themselves, their life and the lives of others.

Course Content
• Tuition in how to use the power of the Mage Light for self healing and the healing of others
• How to call upon the Mage Light to create magical cocoons for restoration and recovery from illness for the self and others
• How to call upon the Mage Light for ultimate powerful spiritual protection
• How to use the Mage Light for:-
o manifestation
o blessing
o the clearing of objects, people and space and the creation of sacred space
o astral and shamanic journeying
o Earth healing and releasing the earthbound and trapped spirits
Also included in the retreat will be a personal channelled soul reading from Lorraine Dolan.

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