New Shamballa Multidimensional Healing

Become the Light Warrior,

Work with the 13 Zen Masters of the Dimensions


New Shamballa was a course that was channelled to Christine Core, the wife of Kevin Core who channelled Angelic Reiki, which works beautiful on taking your learning of AR to another Level.  I was trained by Christine Core and join a very small band of teachers worldwide.  It helps us to see through the illusion of programming to see that we are all part of the Divine.

Become the Light Warrior you have always wanted to become – those who defend and fight for light and truth either on the earth or in astral realms.  Those who restore, fight for, and keep balance in all things.  The Light Warrior can and often will do things that Lightworkers do as well,  but most often in a closed and 1-1 setting, and methods used may differ than those of most Lightworkers.

New Shamballa is the Diamond Light of Unconditional Love.  With this comes absolute personal power, harmony and freedom a way of being and living.  As taught by the old Tibtan Buddhist tradition.  It is the way of living our lives as the Spiritual Warrior.  This means living consciously and with gentle loving discipline for ourselves.

A place in time, and space that you could call a city of perfection, a place where all is LOVE, HARMONY and BALANCE.  It exists on all levels and is said to have existed in the mountains of Tibet.

Where we can find all the rays of Creation, all the primordial energies which have been incarnated in those beings we have called the Ascended Masters.  The will and wisdom that enables God’s plan to unfold on Earth and thus experience ourselves as Greater Beings of LOVE.

There are 13 Attunements to the Vibrations of Shamballa’s pure Diamond Light and Love.  The energies of Shamballa includes 13 separate attunements to each dimension are brought through.  It is a process that enables the participants to feel and experience the Shamballa Love that they hold on each dimensional level.

It is an awakening into the multi-dimensional self and to hold these energies a clearing and activiation of DNA is needed.  The attunement often opens people up as Channels.  These are very powerful energies first brought to the Earth by St Germain through Hari Baba Melchizedek in May 2000.  The course adds to these energies the gentle LOVE of the Angelic Kingdom brought forth by Christine Core.

For all of those seeking self-knowledge these initiations truly sever our connections to attachments.  It brings a deep Esoteric understanding of the nature of dimensional reality is also attained.

  • The 1st dimension of gravity is the pull to the still small point
  • The 2nd dimension of the Devic and Elemental Kingdom
  • The 3rd dimension as the materialisation of Divine design and Geometries
  • The 4th dimension of the emotional body and gateway to spiritual wisdom
  • The 5th dimension of mind and this creative potential through love, overlighted by Palladian Consciousness
  • The 6th dimension held by Sirian Consciousness of the Divine Archetypes
  • The 7th dimension of the sound of the spheres generated by our Galactic Cycles
  • The 8th dimension of the Language of Light
  • The 9th dimension of the eternal Samadhi
  • The 10th dimension of the knowing of the Divine Self
  • The 11th dimension of the Information Highways of Light
  • The 12th dimension and the Becoming of Oneness
  • The 13th dimension of completion and New Beginnings
  • There are many gifts which become apparent once a participant has attended New Shamballa and integrating the principles into their life which can take up to 12 months to be fully embedded into your system

For all those seeking self knowledge and initiations in this workshop sever connections in consciousness to our attachments.  Indeed there is seen to be no self.

This is a 5 day course which will take you on a journey of self discovery and the ability to be in alignment with everything around you.

This is the gift that comes to you being attuned to the 13 Dimensions with the guidance of the 13 Zen Masters.

Feedback from Shamballa Lightwarriors

Thank you sweet Lorraine 🙏❤ as are you, it takes one to know one

I loved having you as my teacher, you are a great one and taught us through your heart, that is what makes you a better teacher

Because when you teach from the heart, the love touches everyone that is present and it was a privilege to be your student and maybe I will be again 😍❤

Blessings Light Warrior 💖💖 Sara Portugal

The Shamballa was amazing and I’m still feeling the effects from being more physical, cleansing and clearing to senses heightened: hearing changing, sense of smell strong and eyes seem to be going through some sort of change also very vivid dreams with messages, few nights brain seems on overload. Also more assertive partly Thanks to book (thank you Sara) and more friends being released as I can ‘see them for what they are’ still challenging times and still a bit stuck but more positive things will change soon.

The Selenite lamp seems to be ‘alive’ and flashes but I’m so connected with it,maybe because it was on the course with me. 😊💗 L Bham


I’m finally ready to start a physical detox tomorrow as have been eating too much of the wrong foods that really don’t suit me so wish me luck

New Shamballa

Shamballa opens the doorways to a Higher Knowing.  It ignites your curiosity for knowledge and is another step on your Ascension Pathway.

It gives you the tools to allow your connections to deepen with Higher Beings

Opens Galactic Doorways for you to connect through the 13 Dimensions

I know my journey is just beginning and that there will be a lot more to come in the coming weeks and months after completing this course. Heather April 2017